Announces the Opening of a New Practice for the purpose of Offering Consultation and Second Opinion to patients and families in need of advice and recommendations for management of their gastrointestinal disease.

  • Dr. Floch is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Yale University where he recently formed the Fellow’s Clinic in the Digestive Disease Section supervising all gastrointestinal trainees in consultation on problem cases. He is a Master of the American College of Gastroenterology (MACG) and an American Gastroenterology Association Fellow (AGAF) as well as a Fellow of the American College of Physicians (FACP). He formerly was Chairman of Medicine at Norwalk Hospital and the Founding Chief of Gastroenterology and Nutrition in Norwalk. He is Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology and has written five books with the last two now very popular; 2nd edition of the textbook “Netter’s Gastroenterology” and “Probiotics: A Clinical Guide.”

    Dr. Floch is renown for his work in gastric and intestinal diseases and probiotics. He lectures nationally and internationally, haven given Grand Rounds at Harvard, Brown, UMass, and UConn among others. He is a consultant to Pfizer, Proctor & Gamble, Dannon, Shire and Biocodex.

    His research has been extensive in gastroenterology having had grants from the Armed Forces and National Institute of Health.

  • * B.A. - New York University
    * M.S. - University of New Hampshire
    * M.D. - New York Medical College
    * Intern - Beth Israel Hospital
    * Medical Resident - Beth Israel Hospital
    * Fellow In Gastroenterology - Seton Hall College of Medicine

    For Dr. Martin Floch's complete background information please click on the following link

  • * Chronic abdominal pain
    * Chronic stomach pain
    * Dyspepsia
    * Chronic heartburn
    * Diarrhea
    * Constipation
    * Use of Dietary Fiber

    * Leakage of stool
    * Nausea
    * Vomiting
    * Weight loss
    * Loss of appetite
    * Use of Probiotics

  • * Functional Gastrointestinal Disease (FGID)
    * Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
    * Gastroparesis
    * Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EE)
    * Diverticular Disease and Diverticulitis

    * Celiac Disease
    * Malabsorption
    * Colitis
    * Ileitis and Crohn's Disease
    * Gastritis

Why should I go for a second opinion to see a senior consultant?

The answer is simple. In today’s world information is easily obtained on the internet. Anyone can get the information on symptoms or diseases. However, you need the knowledge that interprets the information. Knowledge comes from experience. Dr. Floch is Clinical Professor of Medicine at Yale. He has just completed a five year rotation and headed the Fellows Training program in ambulatory consultation. A service that evaluates and treats difficult problem cases.

When you schedule an appointment with Dr. Floch, he will review all of your records and determine if there is a need for other tests to make the most accurate diagnosis.

Dr. Floch is the author of active best selling medical textbooks in gastroenterology, nutrition and probiotics. He is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterolgy. A major journal that receives more than 1100 research and clinical works per year. This contemporary experience enables him to bring the latest and most experienced knowledge to your case and make the recommendations specific to your need.

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